These first ones are from Santa Barbara...
Like many of the roads in Santa Barbara, this one has a Spanish name. Canon Perdido translates into "Dangerous Canyon" - yeah, just the sort of place you want to raise your kids. It's certainly a step up from Deadly Plateau Drive.
And, who can forget this classic street name:
Yay for cognates - "Quarantine Street"...just down from Smallpox Lane, no doubt.
And, of course, there's this gem:
Which translates into "Leave if you can." A few blocks over is Get the Fuck Out of Here Road.
The photo I took didn't turn out, but there is also a Indio Muerto Street in Santa Barbara...yeah, "Dead Indian Street." But, don't take my word for it, here's a link to a map!.
And then there's this one, from Sacramento County.

Now, I know that this doesn't look too ominous, but consider that we were unable to get a photo of the preceding sign, which simply says "West Texas, next exit". So, there you are, on your way to the state capitol, and suddenly you think you've taken a wrong turn and are on your way to Lubbock.
Here's one that I recently took a photo of in Kern County, it really kinda' speaks for itself.

Yes! Brown Material Road!!! My all-time favorite road name.
I am a fan of Sandy Mush Road in Stanislaus County.
(JakeR, actually) said...
Perdido means "lost" in Spanish, so it's Lost Canyon Street. Looks like you confused perdido with peligro, which means "danger." Spanish for "dangerous" is peligroso
Oh, sure, JakeR, point out reality and crush my illusions.
I looked it up, you are correct. Still, "Lost Canyon" is pretty ominous.
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